The benefits of membership in the BGSU-FA encompass quantifiable gains in terms of compensation, health care coverage, promotion, and representation in grievance processes. In addition, membership includes less tangible benefits such as solidarity with BGSU colleagues across departments and campuses, as well as improved relations with university administration.
• Annual across-the-board raises since 2013
• A clear path to promotion (including salary bumps) and access to Faculty Improvement Leave for Qualified-Rank Faculty members.
• A Collective Bargaining Agreement that codifies working environment requirements, hiring/evaluation/tenure/promotion policies, grievance procedures, and many other factors impacting the terms and conditions of employment
• Expanded and clarified parental leave policy
• Improved integration between Firelands College and Bowling Green campuses; introduction of course reduction option for Firelands faculty
“I have been a member of BGSU-FA since its inception because I believe in the power that QRF (Qualified-Rank Faculty) and non-QRF members can bring to the bargaining table.
I have enjoyed, of course, the benefits that have come with unionization including consistent raises and clarified policies.
Most of all, though, I enjoy working in an environment where my colleagues and I feel respected.”
Amy Rybak, Teaching Professor, English
Member Voices
“Not only does union membership amplify my voice in creating a fair and equitable workplace, my salary increased 60% since the FA negotiated access to merit, across the board increases, compression and inversion adjustments, and larger promotion bumps.”
Sara Chambers, Teaching Professor, Theater & Film
“The BGSU faculty’s decision to organize and to create the FA has had myriad, significant benefits. Gone are the days of arbitrary, often unfair decision-making from our administration. Now, we have clear policies and procedures on promotion, tenure, and compensation. Everybody benefits!”
Rebecca Mancuso, Associate Professor, History
“The Faculty Association has provided me the opportunity to meet and work with a great group of dedicated colleagues I otherwise wouldn’t have gotten to know.”
Stephen Demuth, Professor, Sociology
“I am a union member because faculty need fair treatment regardless of rank. Without the union and the contract QRF (Qualified-Rank Faculty) were vulnerable. We are less vulnerable than we were pre-CBA. Workers unite!”
Julie Haught, Teaching Professor, English