Unit Rep Elections Under Way

The process of elections for determining Faculty Association Unit Representatives is ready to begin. According to the BGSU-FA Constitution, “Each Academic Unit selects a representative from among the Full Members of the BGSU-FA in that unit.” That means only members are eligible to serve as a Unit Representative and to vote for their representative and Unit Representatives will be elected by a simple majority vote from the FA membership in each unit. If you do not wish to be on the ballot, email Sara.Chambers@bgsu-fa.org by 5:00pm on Friday, March 15.

Serving as a Unit Representative counts as University Service. The term is through Spring 2026. According to the BGSU-FA Constitution the Unit RepCouncil is to meet once each semester. Additionally, Unit Representatives are asked to attend member meetings and respond to occasional emails.

Academic Unit Representative Job Duties:

Disseminating Information

Among a Unit Rep's duties is letting union members know about any union news and policies. Therefore, the Unit Rep will familiarize themselves with to ensure that BGSU-FA communications so they can amplify those messages and accurately answer questions from members.

Providing Information

A Unit Rep provides information to union leadership regarding new developments and issues within the collective bargaining unit, specifically within your unit. They also provide information and news from union leadership to union members, typically through announcements at faculty meetings or emails to the unit members.

Welcoming New Employees

A Unit Representative is often the first union representative that a new employee meets. They are expected to recruit and welcome new union members. One of the Unit Rep’s duties is to encourage employees to participate fully in union activities, such as meetings and voting.

Preparing for Office

After the Unit Representative gets elected, the chosen candidate's first duty is preparing for the office by reading the contract. The Unit Representative is the point of contact between the Executive Committee and the collective bargaining unit members.

Facilitating Grievances

The Unit Representative will have a basic understanding of the collective bargaining agreement under which the employees work. The UnitRepresentative may act as a first responder when an employee files a grievance with the union, under the terms of the collective bargaining agreement, meaning the Unit Representative may assist the BUFM in identifying the point(s) of contract violation before moving the grievance to the Contract and Grievance Officer.

Scott Piroth