OCAAUP Presentation on “Political & Legislative Issues Facing Faculty”
On Thursday, March 16 the BGSU-FA hosted a meeting for BGSU faculty to raise awareness of the various political and legislative issues that will likely affect university faculty, both state-wide and nationally.
Rudy Fichtenbaum, President of the national American Association of University Professors (AAUP), spoke about the various impacts that the Trump administration and its policies could bring to bear on universities and faculty.
Later, Sara Kilpatrick and John McNay of the Ohio Conference AAUP gave an information presentation titled “Ohio Politics and Higher Education,” which outlined a number of state-wide budget and legislative proposals pertaining to university funding, tenure, textbooks, workload, commercialization, and “right-to-work.” In addition to information about these proposals, Kilpatrick and McNay offered suggestions about how to push back against legislative efforts to curtail academic freedom, job security, and collective bargaining.
All BSGU faculty are encouraged to view the complete presentation, which is available by clicking HERE.